This page will generate a CSV (comma seperated value) file of all shots for the team the coach has ownership of.
The resultant file has a layout of n + 1 lines where “n” is the number of shots in the database plus 1 line for the header. The header describes the contents of a given shot line. Note that only shots are represented; holes without shots are not represented.
The line format is as follows:
The fields are explained as follows:
roundid: Unique (database) round ID
uid: User ID, typically their email address
username: The “human” name of the user as they entered on registration, typically first, last name
golfername: The entered name of the golfer on the round
date: The entered date of the round
course: The entered course
round: Round number
score: score of the round
holeid: Unique (database) hole ID
hnum: Hole number of the shot
shotid: Unique shot ID
stroke: Shot number
startpos: Start position by database key
Deep Rgh=6;
holedis: Distance to the hole. All distances in yards except green which is feet
recovery: Recovery shot, value “1”
pickup: Pickup shot, value “1”
penalty: Single stroke penalty if value “1”, double stroke penalty, value “2”
prosg: Strokes Gained “pro” value
scrsg: Strokes Gained “scratch” value
mental: enter mental value
shot-type: app characterization of the type of shot (e.g. drive, approach 100-150, sand 1-50, etc)
. In the case of Recovery and Penalty, “startposition” has limited meaning as Recovery and Penalty conditions take precedence in Strokes Gained calculation. Recovery and Penalty appear in the app in the Start Pos field.
. In the case of Pickups, the Strokes Gained values does not appear on the phone (“Pckup” is shown) and can be ignored.
. If recorded in meters, values translated to yards (off green) and feet (on green) when stored to database.